Assault Charges
Generally an assault occurs when a person intentionally applies direct or indirect force to another person without consent.

Drug Offences
Drug offence charges include drug trafficking, drug possession, possession for the purpose of trafficking, drug importation or conspiracy to traffic drugs.

Drinking & Driving or DUI Offences
Being charged with “drinking and driving” or DUI (Driving under the influence) is a criminal matter in Canada governed by the Criminal Code.

Sexual Offences
Offences can include sexual assault, sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, and sexual interference.

Bail Hearings
A bail hearing is a judicial proceeding where the court determines if a person charged with a criminal offence should be released on bail and trusted to make any and all required court appearances up to and including a trial.

Extradition is the legal process whereby someone is removed from one country and transferred to another against their will.

Traffic Tickets
Traffic tickets, speeding tickets and criminal driving charges can affect your insurance rates, demerit points, and your right to drive.

Criminal Law Appeals
Criminal law appeals can include appeals of convictions and sentences, bail pending appeals, crown initiated appeals or appeals of POA charges.

Administration Of Justice Crimes
Administration of Justice refers to interference in any form in the functioning of the Court.

Property Crimes
Property crime is a category of crime that includes such offences as burglary, larceny, theft, mischief under $5000, possession of stolen property, motor vehicle theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism.
Free Consultation
Free Consultation
Call Criminal Lawyer Frank Retar for your free consultation 519-256-1234 or use the form below and we’ll get back to you in 24-48 hours.